Table of contents
  1. Basic Subtitle Handling
    1. Enabling / Disabling by default
    2. Initial track selection
    3. Track selection at runtime

Basic Subtitle Handling

Many examples can be found in our samples section.

Enabling / Disabling by default

Subtitles can be enabled and disabled by default by changing the defaultEnabled property:

    streaming: {
        text: {
            defaultEnabled: true

Initial track selection

The initial language or role can be set using the setInitialMediaSettingsFor method. Please refer to the track selection documentation for details.

A working sample can be found here.

Track selection at runtime

To select a specific text track during playback use the setTextTrack method. You need to provide a valid index of a track. To disable the texttrack rendering pass -1 to the setTextTrack method.

var textTrackList = {};
var streamId = null;
var _onTracksAdded = function (e) {
    if (!textTrackList[e.streamId]) {
        textTrackList[e.streamId] = [];
    streamId = e.streamId;

    textTrackList[e.streamId] = textTrackList[e.streamId].concat(e.tracks);

player.on(, _onTracksAdded, this);
var item = textTrackList[streamId][0];

Another way to change the texttrack is to use the setCurrentTrack method. For details refer to the track selection documentation.