
Most of the following conventions, suggestions and recommendations are derived from the books linked in the References Section.


Your code is for a human first and a computer second. Humans need good names.

  • Martin Fowler

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

  • Phil Karlton


Use accurate parts of speech

Identifier Type Parts of Speech Examples
Classes Nouns or noun phrases AdaptationSet, Representation
Variables Nouns, noun phrases, or linking verb and subject complement adaptationSet, activeStream, isPlaying
Methods Verb, verb phrases, or linking verb and subject complement reset(), checkConfig(), hasVideoTrack

Include units

Several properties in the DASH specification require units such as the bitrate or the duration of a segment download. Variables dealing with these values shall contain units, for instance:

  • bitrateInKbit instead of bitrate
  • downloadDurationInMilliseconds instead of downloadDuration


Names of boolean variables and methods that return a boolean should explicitly indicate the return type. Their names should either be a linking verb or a subject complement. Do not use names that can be interpreted as non-boolean concept. Examples:

  • isPlaying instead of playing
  • hasVideoTrack() instead of videoTrack()


  1. Naming Things by Tom Benner
  2. Clean Cod A handbook for agile Software craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin