Microsoft Smooth Streaming


In adition to playback of MPEG-DASH content, dash.js supports playback of the legacy Smooth Streaming format. For that reason, a conversion of the Smooth Streaming manifest files and media segments is performed directly in dash.js on the client side.


An example is available as part of the sample section.

dash.js usage

The Smooth Streaming layer in dash.js is implemented as a separate module. To enable Smooth Streaming support in dash.js import dash.mss.min.js or dash.mss.debug.js right after the main build files:

    <script src="../../dist/umd/dash.all.debug.js"></script>
    <!-- add mss package which is required to play Smooth Streaming streams -->
    <script class="code" src="../../dist/umd/dash.mss.debug.js"></script>

Initialization of dash.js for Smooth Streaming is similar to initialization for DASH content:

let video, player;

player = dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();
video = document.querySelector('video');
player.initialize(); /* initialize the MediaPlayer instance */
player.attachView(video); /* tell the player which videoElement it should use */
player.setProtectionData(protData); /* set protection data (sets license server when required) */
player.attachSource(streamUrl); /* provide the manifest source */