Installation & Build

There are multiple ways to obtain the bundled dist files of dash.js for usage in your application.

Bundle formats

Version 4.x and older

In version 4.x and older versions of dash.js there is only one bundle format available. It is a UMD build that does not contain any polyfills.

Version 5.x and newer

With version 5 of dash.js we introduced three different bundle formats:

  • UMD legacy: A UMD build targeting legacy platforms by specifying the babel target ie: '11'. In addition, core.js polyfills are enabled.
  • ESM modern: An ESM build using .browserslistrc as target, with target set to defaults. No core.js polyfills are enabled.
  • UMD modern: A UMD build targeting modern platforms using .browserslistrc as target, with target set to defaults. No core.js polyfills are enabled.

All the bundled files are located in the dist directory of the repository. The legacy folder inside the dist folder contains the UMD legacy build. The modern folder inside the dist folder contains both the ESM modern and the UMD modern build.

General Note

Note that only the master branch of dash.js includes the dist folder. If you are working with the development branch, you need to build the bundles yourself. For that reason, check the Building the dist files section below.

CDN hosted files

We provide the latest minified files of all releases on a global CDN. They are free to be used in production environments. An overview of the dash.js releases can be found on GitHub.

Version 4.x and older

All releases prior to version 5.0.0 are available under the following urls. Replace vx.x.x with the release version, for instance v3.1.0.

Version 5.x and newer

Version builds

With version 5.0.0 we introduced new bundle formats. The URLs for the CDN hosted files for these new bundle formats are as follows. Replace vx.x.x with the release version, for instance v5.0.0.

Multiple examples how to use dash.js in your Typescript or Webpack based JavaScript project can be found in samples/modules.

Latest build

The bundles of the latest release can be found here:

Note: For backwards compatibility we also host the UMD modern bundle under

NPM package

We publish dash.js to npm. Examples of how to use dash.js in different module bundlers can be found in the samples/modules directory of the dash.js repository.

Version 4.x and older

For version 4.x and older, we define the following entry point in the package.json:

  "main": "dist/dash.all.min.js"

Version 5.x and newer

For version 5.x and newer, we define the following entry points in the package.json:

  "types": "./index.d.ts",
  "import": "./dist/modern/esm/dash.all.min.js",
  "default": "./dist/modern/esm/dash.all.min.js",
  "browser": "./dist/modern/umd/dash.all.min.js",
  "script": "./dist/modern/umd/dash.all.min.js",
  "require": "./dist/modern/umd/dash.all.min.js"

Building the dist files

To build the dist files of the latest stable release yourself run the following steps:

  1. Install Core Dependencies
  2. Checkout project repository (default branch: development)
    • git clone
  3. Change branch to master
    • git checkout -b master origin/master
  4. Install dependencies
    • npm install
  5. Build the dist files.
    • npm run build