LoL+ is an algorithm optimized for CMAF low latency. As such it should not be used for “standard” VoD and live content and only be activated if the CMAG segments contain CMAF chunks. LoL+ is designed as a series of sophisticated yet robust player improvements for low latency live (LLL) streaming. LoL+ consists of five essential modules:
- The bitrate selection module implements a learning-based ABR algorithm to choose a suitable bitrate at each segment download. The ABR algorithm is based on an SOM model that considers multiple QoE metrics as well as bandwidth variability.
- The playback speed control module implements a hybrid algorithm that considers both the current latency and buffer level to control the playback speed.
- The throughput measurement module accurately calculates the throughout by removing the idle times between the chunks of a segment through a three-step algorithm.
- The QoE evaluation module computes the QoE considering five key metrics: selected bitrate, number of bitrate switches, rebuffering duration, latency and playback speed.
- Lastly, the weight selection module implements a two-step dynamic weight assignment for the SOM model features. We also added manual (equal value of 0.4 each) and random (based on Xavier formula) weight assignment for the SOM model features for comparison.
The modules can be found in the following files:
- Bitrate selection module (i.e., ABR algorithm):
- Playback speed control module:
- Throughput measurement module:
- QoE evaluation module:
- Weight selection module:
Basic dash.js configuration
How to enable each of the LoL+ modules:
streaming: {
abr: {
rules : {
loLPRule: {
active: true
throughput: {
lowLatencyDownloadTimeCalculationMode: dashjs.Constants.LOW_LATENCY_DOWNLOAD_TIME_CALCULATION_MODE.MOOF_PARSING
liveCatchup: {
mode: dashjs.Constants.LIVE_CATCHUP_MODE_LOLP
Note: The weight selection module is used in the bitrate selection module and does not need to be enabled separately.
Advanced tuning parameters
The parameters below are available but not advised to be changed. For advanced users, please refer to the paper [3] for further details on these parameters. The following parameters are not exposed in the settings
object and have to be changed in the respective classes.
Module | Parameter(s) | Remarks |
Bitrate selection module | targetLatency = 0 | SOM target latency |
Bitrate selection module | targetRebufferLevel = 0 | SOM target rebuffering duration. |
Bitrate selection module | targetSwitch = 0 | SOM target number of switches. |
Bitrate selection module | throughputDelta = 10000 | SOM variation in throughput. |
Weight selection module | DWS_TARGET_LATENCY = 1.5 | Latency constraint used in weight selection module (set in LolpRule.js ). |
Weight selection module | DWS_BUFFER_MIN = 0.3 | Minimum buffer value constraint used in weight selection module (set in LolpRule.js ). |
Weight selection module | weightObj.throughput, weightObj.latency, weightObj.buffer, weightObj.switch | The weight (value ranges between 0 and 1) of the current throughput, latency, rebuffering duration, and number of switches features of the SOM model (Bitrate selection module) will be assigned dynamically by this module based on the defined optimization function. |
Detailed code description
At each segment download, the bitrate selection module is triggered and works as follows:
(1) Obtain input parameters (pseudocode lines 4-10):
- Current player state: throughput, latency, rebuffer duration, bitrate variation (normalized)
- Weight vector from weight selection module: w
(2) Update previously selected neuron with current player state values (pseudocode line 11):
// Code snippet from `LearningAbrController.js`
_updateNeurons(currentNeuron, somElements, [throughputNormalized, latency, rebuffer, bitrateSwitch]);
(3) Iterate all neurons to find the winner neuron that is closest (i.e., shortest distance) to the target state, while not violating special condition (pseudocode lines 12-27):
// Code snippet from `LearningAbrController.js`
// special condition downshift immediately
if (somNeuron.bitrate > throughput - throughputDelta || isBufferLow) {
if (somNeuron.bitrate !== minBitrate) {
// encourage to pick smaller bitrates throughputWeight=100
distanceWeights[0] = 100;
// calculate the distance with the target
let distance = _getDistance(somData, [throughputNormalized, targetLatency, targetRebufferLevel, targetSwitch], distanceWeights);
if (minDistance === null || distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance;
minIndex = somNeuron.qualityIndex;
winnerNeuron = somNeuron;
winnerWeights = distanceWeights;
(4) Update the winner neuron with target state values. (pseudocode line 28):
// Code snippet from `LearningAbrController.js`
_updateNeurons(winnerNeuron, somElements, [throughputNormalized, targetLatency, targetRebufferLevel, bitrateSwitch]);
Note: The QoE evaluation module is provided but QoE score is not used as a SOM factor in the current implementation of the ABR algorithm. Advanced users may consider using it.