

Current version:








Internal Review


Community Review






WebIDL DASH Event Metadata API







Supporting Companies:

Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics, Sony, Ericsson, Nomor Research









Use one of the following categories:
A  (addition of feature)
B  (editorial modification)




Reason for change:

For an API description suitable across platforms that corresponds to the proper usage of Events and Timed Metadata distributed in DASH Media Presentations, APIs pertaining to subscription and notification delivery are beneficially defined between the DASH client and the application consuming the Events.



Summary of change:

Addition of a client processing model for Events



Consequences if not approved:

Inconsistent implementations



Sections affected:

New section X



Other comments:

This document contains several notes. Feedback during community review is welcome specifically on these topics.



This document is not yet final. It is provided for public review until the deadline mentioned below. If you have comments on the document, please submit comments by one of the following means:

-          at the github repository, or

- with a subject tag [Events]

Please add a detailed description of the problem and the comment.


Based on the received comments a final document will be published latest by the expected publication date below, integrated in a new version of DASH-IF IOP if the following additional criteria are fulfilled:

-          All comments from community review are addressed

-          The relevant aspects for the Conformance Software are provided

-          Verified IOP test vectors are provided



Commenting Deadline:

August 31st, 2019



Expected Publication:

September 30th, 2019





1. Abstract

This document specifies an API that a user agent or DASH client can expose for application access to DASH events. This builds upon Media Source Extensions. The API correspond to partial interfaces with respect to the DASHEvent event target. It is meant to cover both in-band ('emsg') and MPD-carriage of events, as well as sparse timed metadata tracks.

Note: The document implements the processing model as defined in the DASH-IF document on "DASH Player’s Application Events and Timed Metadata Processing Models and APIs". The community review version is available here: The combination of the two documents and cross-referencing will be dealt in the final version of this document.

2. DASHEvent Interface

2.1 Definition

[Constructor(SourceBuffer source)]
interface DASHEvent : EventTarget {
    readonly        attribute EventData             eventData;
                    attribute EventHandler          ondashevent;
    Promise         setEvents(Eventlist eventList);     

2.2 Attributes

eventData of type EventData, readonly

When an event is encountered, the DASH client MUST extract the event data, and MUST initialize the object's eventData attribute to a string representation of the event data.

ondashevent of type EventHandler

This event handler is invoked when a new DASH event arrives.

setEvents() of type Promise

This promise must include an eventList argument that enumerates all events in which the application is interested.

3. EventData Interface

3.1 Definition

interface EventData {
    readonly        attribute DOMString schemeIdURI;
    readonly        attribute DOMString value;  
    readonly        attribute DOMTimeStamp? presentationTime;   
    readonly        attribute unsigned long? duration;   
    readonly        attribute unsigned long? id; 
    readonly        attribute ByteString messageData; 

3.2 Attributes

schemeIdURI of type DOMString, readonly

The schemeIDURI attribute MUST return a URI that identifies the DASH event scheme.

value of type DOMString, readonly

The value attribute MUST return the value for the event stream element. The value semantics are defined by the owners of the scheme identified in the schemeIdUri attribute.

presentationTime of type DOMTimeStamp, readonly

The presentationTime attribute MUST return a value corresponding to the exact moment in the media presentation timeline that the event becomes active. If this attribute is not present then its value shall be set to NULL and the event is assumed to be active immediately.

duration of type int, readonly

The duration attribute MUST return the time for which the event is in effect starting from presentationTime. The value of the duration is in milliseconds. If this attribute is not present then its value must be set to the maximum value (4294967295) and the event MUST be persisted until another DASH event is received.

id of type int, readonly

The id attribute MUST return an identifying value for this event. If this value is not present then its value must be set to NULL.

messageData of type ByteString, readonly

The messageData attribute MUST return the event message data payload.

4. EventList Interface

4.1 Definition

dictionary EventList {
    DOMString[]             desiredSchemeIdURI;
    optional DOMString[]    value;
    optional boolean[]      dispatchMode;

EventList contains one or more valid event scheme URI's along with associated parameters.

4.2 Members

desiredSchemeIdURI of type DOMString[]

desiredSchemeIdURI is an array of valid DASH event scheme URI's. If the desiredSchemeURI array is set to NULL, then all events will be sent to the handler.

value of type DOMString[]

value is an array of valid values for events. If the value array has only one member, then that value will be applied to all scheme URI's. If more than one member is present in the array then those values will be matched to each member in desiredSchemeIdURI in order. A value array with more members than the desiredSchemeIdURI array should be rejected if the desiredSchemeIdURI array is non-NULL. In the case of a non-NULL desiredSchemeIdURI array, members of the value array can be set to NULL if all values are acceptable for the associated Scheme URI. If the desiredSchemeIdURI array is NULL, then the value array can have only one member.

dispatchMode of type boolean[]

dispathMode is an array of dispatch mode settings for events (true indicating a dispatch on receipt of the event, false representing a dispatch on the start of the event) . If the dispatchMode array has only one member, then that dispatch mode will be applied to all scheme URI's. If more than one member is present in the array then those values will be matched to each member in desiredSchemeIdURI in order. A dispatchMode array with more members than the desiredSchemeIdURI array should be rejected if the desiredSchemeIdURI array is non-NULL. In the case of a non-NULL desiredSchemeIdURI array, members of the dispatchMode array can be set to NULL if both dispatch modes are acceptable for the associated Scheme URI. If the desiredSchemeIdURI array is NULL, then the dispatchMode array can have only one member.

5. Example

  function onSourceOpen(videoTag, e) {
    var mediaSource =;
    if (mediaSource.sourceBuffers.length > 0)
    try {
        dashevent = new DashEvent(mediaSource);
            console.log('Desired event list set');
        catche (e)
            console.error('Failed to create Dash event handler due to:  ' + e);
    dashevent.ondashevent = dashEventHandler;
    function dashEventHandler(event){
<video id="v" autoplay> </video>
  var video = document.getElementById('v');
  var mediaSource = new MediaSource();
  mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', onSourceOpen.bind(this, video));
  video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);